Wednesday, October 28, 2015

First "Complete" Scene

Last night, I finished the first "complete" scene on the layout. Why quoted? As most model railroaders will tell you, a scene is never finished. You always want to add more details - people, litter, signs, maybe lighted interiors, etc.
Besides, first is a stretch. The first scene I finished on this layout was the first scene I completed on the last layout - Vic's Bait & Tackle Shop. The building was completed and carried over, I just added some scenery, cars, signs and people. This area is supposed to represent Keystone State Park where my Dad took Cathy and I fishing occasionally. It's a notional representation as I remember little of those trips - except waiting forEVER for the smallest fish in the lake to take my bait!
First completed scene was Vic;s Bait & Tackle
I named Vic's after a good friend and co-worker who lives in the Boston area and loves fishing. Somehow, I think he would be disappointed to fish in Keystone Lake! It was important for me to finish this scene early because it's along the outside of the layout where everyone can see it when they first walk into the train room. But it's just a trackside business, no rail traffic.
GGS Cabinets in the foreground
So...this first "completed" scene that is SERVICED by the railroad, is Uniontown. Dailey's Coal & Fuel ("For all your home & business energy needs") was another survivor from the last layout and again, named for a fellow co-worker from Grand Rapids, MI - go Michigan State! or something like that. Once I placed the building, I added the mound of coal, some fencing, people and cars. Over the past few nights, I added scenery around Keystone Sand & Supply including a mound of sand, a gravel access road, another fence, propane tank and a vertical sand storage tank. I built a mockup of CC Lumber Co. (named for my sister Cathy) and with GGS Cabinets - an trackside industry not serviced by the railroad named for my father, Uniontown looks complete.
Leftt to right - Dailey's, Keystone Sand & Suppy and CC Lumber
Of course, there are some small things I want to do to round out the scene and will eventually replace the building mockups with real structures including lighting and details. As I completed each scene, the railroad seems to come more and more to life and I love the expression I get when I show the kids or Bruce the updates!

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