Friday, October 23, 2015

Get 'Er Done

For those who know me well, my train time is somewhat haphazard and random. Between my work and family activities, I don't have a spare time I can dedicate to working or running the train. I used to be a little jealous reading the magazines and guys talking about their "Tuesday Ops Session" or their friends coming over to work on the trains every other Friday evening. I just can't manage that sort of regularity at this time.
However, those same magazines talked about keeping a list of projects to work on when you have the time. I used Evernote to keep a list of all the project ideas - large or small - so I can access it from home or my smartphone anytime I have a idea. I don't prioritize them (would be too daunting and disappointing) but anytime I get some time in the train room, I niche away at the list.
Part of my Evernote project list
This week I had a some free evenings and built the industry mockups using Model Builder and foamboard. I really like how the scene turned out.
Building mockups help the operators spot the cars until I can build the real structures
Of course, more time in the train room is not necessarily good. I discovered all the Digitrax panels in Herminie and East McKeesport no longer work. Dang! I swear the were fine when Bruce was here! Must be the mojo he brings over. Ugh, now I have to get under the layout ... again.

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