Sunday, November 9, 2014

Vic's Bait and Tackle now open

The first business on the PRR Irwin Branch is open and it's Vic's Bait and Tackle.
I could go on and on about Vic's and how it has been servicing the Lake Keystone fisherman since the 50s...but I would be making it all up! Vic is a coworker at IBM and we worked a project together a few years ago. It was one of the most successful projects I have been on and I made many great friends - Vic, Paul, Bhupendra, Alfredo and others. Vic lives in the Boston area and loves to fish so when I found this cardstock kit, I just had to name it after him.
If you look carefully, you will see a girl drinking a coke on the porch
Complete with outhouses for men and women!
Compare this scene to the one on the last layout here.

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