Friday, October 3, 2014

PRR Irwin Track Plan in XTrakCAD

Well, it took some real struggling, nearly a year of messing around and some fudge this week but I finally put the trackplan that Bruce created on paper in XTrakCAD. I am pleased with how it came out and since I determined the various power districts I wanted, I was able to put each one on a separate layer so I can see the whole track plan or show just a power district.
Current layout in XTrakCAD
The door to the backyard is in the upper left and across, upper right, is the door to the garage. Walking in from the garage, you encounter the West Yard which has 3 tracks and the RIP (repair in place) track. Another step into the room and this is the liftout to get into the train area (although I have not cut the track yet so can't remove it!).
I use the convention that when you are facing the layout (inside the layout), you are facing North so West is left, East is right.I will go into more details on the Power Districts once I finish some research but basically I am create some isolated blocks so a short on one block will not affect the rest of layout.

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