Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Pulling things together - a peek

I am now doing several small,  but somewhat time consuming jobs to get the layout ready for some serious operational runs. Electrical is complete and I need to create 3 or 4 more LocoNet cables for the DCC wiring to be complete. Last week I painted some foam board for the scene dividers but was a little disappointed - they all curved when the paint dried! Well they will do for temporary and I think I have an idea for a more permanent solution, but that can wait.
Last night I spent some time "rusting rails" which is a pretty simple step where I drag a paintbrush along the outside and inside rails where the operators can see them. This dulls the shine and with proper ballasting I  think makes the track look pretty realistic. I mentioned I reused many pieces of track from the last layout so naturally I installed a lot of them backwards, so the 2 rail sides I rusted before are facing the wall instead of the aisle. Too many details to worry about while I was laying track.
The other thing I am doing is installing the Caboose Industries Ground Throws (I used the 202S). This is actually a 3 step process where I glue a short piece of cork, then a piece of .040" plain styrene and finally the ground throw with a piece of piano wire for the actuator. Once I get into a groove, the install goes pretty quickly although there are a couple of switches I have to get a little fancy with. I finished the first one last night on the inner mainline across the bridge and hope to finish the rest of that section of the layout tonight.
While I was waiting for super glue to dry, I put up a couple of the scene breaks and I have been placing some buildings on the layout as well to determine what industries are located where. It is really coming together very nicely.

Irwin's West Yard in the foreground, Penn Hills on the left side of the peninsula
WCC No. 4 Coal mine sits at the end of the peninsula's right side
E, McKeesport, bridges are the scenery breaks here

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