Thursday, September 4, 2014

Rare Opportunity

This week, I found myself with a rare opportunity - work slowed down a little to afford me some personal time AND motivation to use that time to work on the layout. So far I finished the second mainline through Irwin yard and am almost done laying cork for the west yard - about 1-1/2 tracks to go. I also finished the mainline cork in East McKeesport and I hope to lay track to complete the entire mainline which is really just the connector from Irwin Yard to East McKeesport.
I've also been giving some thoughts to the operations and I started to sketch a schematic (linear diagram) of the layout so I can figure out the train movements. Irwin Yard, East McKeesport and Herminie (the coal mine) have been set for some time but the other side of the peninsula from Herminie was going to be Irwin proper but I think I will make it a separate small town near where I grew up. More on that to come.
The layout is coming along nicely.

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