Thursday, September 11, 2014

Ran out of track

I was very busy this past weekend. I knew my extra free time from work during the previous week was coming to an end, and I had a vision of what I could complete before Monday. I completed the second mainline through the Irwin Yard and the entire West Yard which had not been started. I also finished the passing track in East McKeesport and laid the final section of track from East McKeesport to the Irwin Yard.
Then I ran out of track.
Specifically, I ran out of switches. Fortunately, I planned things carefully enough that the mainline is complete (except for a small section from East McKeesport to the far track along the wall and the peninsula. I placed some old Peco switches and determined that 5 left hand switches, 8 sections of flextrack and 9 sections of cork roadbed would complete the track laying phase.
Then I can start wiring!
Passing track and front mainline complete

West Yard (foreground) complete with a long RIP track

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