Sunday, December 22, 2013


The peninsula was really bothering me. How could it be flat on the ground and cantiwamus when I put it up? I burned a few brain cells, as well as a 6 pack and I realized that maybe if I did not set it on the support running around the walls, I could compensate for the tilt. An hour later, and some help from my twin boys, and I had the darn thing mount and nearly perfect!
Peninsula finally level
I had picked up some insulation for the subroadbed today...which is now green instead of the pink I used a couple of years ago. Actually that is better because the pink was annoying on the old layout since I never did finish the scenery. I still have two pieces of plywood to cut, and two others to glue down before I can attach the subroadbed but this is fantastic. Bruce and I might be able to transfer the trackplan during the holiday break from work!
Added the corner trim to show how it will look finished

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