Friday, November 2, 2012

Squeezing the design

When I first realized that extending the layout plans outside of the train room would not work, I was a little hesitant to tell Bruce because he had already created a half dozen trackplans based on my original idea. Fortunately, he accepted the news in good humor and said it was a learning exercise. I vaguely described what I was now thinking and figured we would get together later and maybe create a new, shorter list of Givens and Druthers. Bruce had a different idea.
Fitting the track into a 10 x 10 space
Bruce took the last trackplan that had the east and west staging yards and moved them into the train room. I am still amazing, looking at the diagram for the 4th or 5th time, that he managed to fit it in so well. Obviously, he made some compromises but he still provided a lot of the features I was looking for.

We hope to meet at the NMRA Division 3 Train Show this weekend and maybe we'll be a little closer to a final trackplan. Anyway, I just wanted to share what an awesome concept Bruce had.

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