Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Major Setback

I spent a couple of days mounting lights under the shelves. I wired the left side and center which provides fantastic lighting over the work desk (for now) and I was really pleased at how everything was coming together. Collections of stuff were neatly stacked on the shelves opening the space below to work and the lighting was so good, you could turn off the room light and not notice a difference.

Last night I mounted the right side lights. Didn't fit. I had to take everything down, finagle a few things, and c-clamp the 3 light fixtures back in place. It fit ... barely. I drilled and screwed the first fixture and went to the bathroom.

This is what I found when I came back. It was actually worse than it looks. Very frustrating. The entire shelf pulled out of the wall and collapsed. Of course, all the stuff on top fell including a bucket of used CFLs. Nice. One of the light fixtures got pretty bent up, but it's still serviceable and I have 4 or 5 extra from the old layout.
I was only gone a few minutes....!
The other shelves are strong and stable, so I am not sure what the problem was here. I'll need to verify that I had mounted it into the studs (every 16" right??) and then I guess I will try again with longer lag screws and bolt the shelf into the adjacent one.

So close...

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