Saturday, October 29, 2011

Getting Ready for Cincinnati Train Show

Since I was out of town all week on the west coast I had a lot of time to think about trains but not work on the layout. I did a quick check for hobby stores in the area but could not find any and did not really get away from work early enough to stop by any. All this means I am really geared up for the train show in Cincinnati which opened today but commitments with the boys, I won't be able to go until tomorrow. Nicholas wants to go with me so I think we will be shopping for some HO models for Dad and N models for the boys.

Sometimes, these shows can be a little disappointing. Frequently they have lots of toy train and railfan stuff. I almost always go with a specific list of items, like Pennsy cabin (caboose) cars, or a specific Walther's building that I want to find at a bargain. More than once I have come home only spending twice the $7 admission fee which is disappointing. This year should be different as I want two DCC (digital command control) items and my favorite DCC vendor from Cincinnati will be there. I was posting about the show on TrainLife - a Facebook for train enthusiasts - and discovered one of the guys I was friends with and chatting back and forth is the owner of the store! Small virtual world, eh? I am looking forward to meeting Alex face-to-face and learning more about DCC from him.

I will post later tomorrow all the steals and deals I got. Wish me luck! 

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