Thursday, October 6, 2011

Current Happenings

Sometimes when I look at the layout I get a strong motivational push to finish something. Other than Dailey's Coal & Fuel, East McKeesport is pretty bare waiting for me to replace the cardboard May Stern Furniture with a real building and I have an idea now how I want West Penn Power to look. The rest of East McKeesport ... not so sure.

But the started projects. Downtown Irwin has construction paper roads and taped together buildings. Herminie has the half-built WCC Mine No. 4, the rough shape of the hillside, a three-quarters-painted B&O truss bridge and in the shadows Vic's Bait & Tackle resting on paint - no scenery.

Last night I spent some time on the West Staging section with the goal of getting something finished. This is the first part of the layout that people see when they walk into the basement so I thought it would be appropriate to complete this scene. I have two building mockups and need two more which I started to build. In the scene there will be a small section of track coming out of the backdrop with a cut boxcar to give the illusion of depth. Since this scene "ends" where Rt 30 crosses the layout, I did a little more work on the scenery there as well. This could be interesting and I'll post a photo as soon as I have something worth showing.

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