Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Train Shows and Hobby Stores

I forgot to follow-up on the Division 3 Train Show that Bruce and I attended a couple weekends ago. I try to go to this local show every year and sometimes, I barely spend more than the entrance fee. Not this year!
As usual, I had a very specific list of items that I was looking for and I was able to get most of them at very good prices. I love a bargain. I picked up two hopper cars (practically a steal, the price was so good) and two box cars. I think I am set on boxcars but need a handful more hoppers. I finally broke down and box the box of 100 wheelsets to fix the dozen or so cars on the RIP track with out-of-gauge wheels, A new razor saw, a pair of tweezers, and some right angle clamps for building structures. I also picked up two cast metal '56 Ford pickups and some detail piping for Dailey's and other areas around the layout. Overall, I thought I did pretty good.
Last weekend, we were planning a run to see my Dad in Pittsburgh and I always try to get a visit to T & K Hobby in Bridgeport OH which we pass within 2 miles, so have to try and stop. We were planning on running out and back in the same day so I was not sure we would stop. I decided to see what I could find locally and speed up the layover, or skip it altogether.
So Friday I popped into R/C Hobby on Harshman Road. Although they are primarily an R/C airplane store they have a great collection of just what I needed - styrene sheets and strips for scratchbuilding, some paints, Woodland Scenics brush & talus (rocks), lead weights for the freight cars and plastic and CA glue. Almost all I was looking for....
So we stopped at T&K Hobby Saturday where I found Walther's Heritage Furniture building (this will be LAS Fabrics in East McKeesport), more bush material and some additional paints on sale. Since Polly S paints were discontinued, I am basically buying all the colors I can use while they are still available.
Now back to the layout. I have some scenery to create, structures to build, and rolling stock to repair. Should keep me busy for a few evenings!

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