Saturday, January 11, 2014

Overcoming disappointment

With the benchwork finished, I began planning to lay the cork roadbed. I would need quite a bit so I mail ordered a box at a good price. Shipping was pretty hefty (about 1/2 the price of the cork!) so I added a couple of things on my wish list to justify the expense. It was due to arrive Thursday when I was back from business travel. I learned this morning it would be delayed until Monday due to weather, even though it arrived in Dayton at 2 AM this morning. Thank you US Post Office.
Well, it's not really their fault. Weather delays. I decided I needed 10 pieces to get me through the weekend, but I could get by with 6. Went to a local hobby shop and bought the 4 they had. Four. Ugh. I laid out all the pieces I had and realized I would run out of push pins to hold the cork to the insulation subroadbed while the glue dried. Coincidentally, Lisa was at JoAnn Fabrics at the same time so I sent her a text message with a photo of the pins I needed.
She came home with a box of 500. Yeah, that should work!!
Cork & Hopeful Railroad
I did make enough process tonight that I can lay the sheets of cork for the East and West yards so it all ended well. And next weekend, I can lay some serious roadbed!

1 comment:

  1. Eric-
    Great progress on your railroad! Thank you for sharing your experiences with us.
    Scott Stephenson
