Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Goal Met

Just before the Christmas holiday break, I had planned a few things on the railroad to work on. Actually, I came up with a pretty aggressive list that I hope to accomplish. Well, four days before the end of my break, on January 1st 2014, I completed all the benchwork, including installing some temporary fascia, and replaced the single ceiling light with two lights for more lighting over the peninsula. (I had two extra single 4' fluorescent fixtures from the old layout hence why I did not install a double fixture.)
I have to say, I am very pleased with how everything turned out. The layout fills the room without be cramped and there is more walkaround space inside than I thought there would be. The benchwork is level, the liftout fits nicely and is not too bad as a duckunder. I have a plan for how to start transferring the trackplan (from the yard to the crossover on the liftout) and then where to start laying the track (again, in the yard, likely the mainline and passing track).
What an accomplishment from just having some modules on temporary legs this summer!

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