Tuesday, September 18, 2012

NMRA Division 3

I used to be a pretty active member of the NMRA Mid Central Region Division 3 group back in the 90s but work and family took a lot of free time and Sunday afternoons were just too busy to stay involved. I still keep up with what the group is doing, mostly following the website and Facebook pages. This past Sunday, they were having Allen McClelland talk about the V&O Railroad. Allen wrote a series of articles for Railmodel Craftsman that later became the book, The V&O Story, that set the standard for creating a model railroad with a purpose. He, along with John Armstrong, Bruce Chubb and Tony Koester, were strong influences on how I developed my operating scheme.

I was able to attend the meeting and the presentation was very enjoyable. Allen talked about the original V&O (I did get a chance to tour this amazing layout once during an open house!!!) which had a last run a few years ago and he showed the new layout in progress. Excellent presentation. I also ran into several guys I knew from my past involvement with the group - Dave Reid, Teri M., Wil Davis, Merv and a few others - many of whom remembered me.

I think I will have to get involved again!

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