Monday, August 20, 2012

Twice Around Trackplan

Bruce has come up with some really good ideas and I think I am narrowing down to a basic loop that goers twice around the room. By moving the staging yards outside the room an in the garage side I get a little more space and can keep those scenically bare but functional and while the train room will be completely sceniced without any need to pure functionality. I think this is an excellent compromise. The staging yard will require a mole to set the trains in motion for the engineers in the other room, although they may be able to follow their trains into the room and then duck under into the center space for operations. I could do remoting switches and sensors but I'll cross that bridge much later.
Twice Around provides staging, continuous run, yard and all my desired elements
Bruce has done an amazing job fitting all my Givens and I think all the Druthers too in this track plan. Traffic flow is still East-West from Greensburg staging through Irwin, East McKeesport and then on west to Pittsburgh. The Herminie mine and interchange with P&LE are still there and of course, the Irwin Yard. I attempted to create a schematic diagram of the trackage but not sure if I got everything accurate.
Schematic of the Twice Around layout plan
I need to spend some more time considering this and identifying any problem areas for the operations. Who knows, maybe I'll be building some benchwork soon!

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