Monday, April 30, 2012

Next generation

I mentioned that in my last operating session with Eric, we did not complete all the trains that were on the timetable. I was getting ready to run the last couple of trains when I asked the twins if they wanted to help me move them. They both like to run the trains and Nicholas has been asking a lot of questions on how to create and use switchlists.
 Nicholas (yellow shirt) runs the P&LE trick from Erie (staging) to work the tracks in East McKeesport. Adam in the background will align the switches and uncouple the cars.
After exchanging cars in the Irwin yard, Adam takes train GRN-70 into Greensburg. Nicholas, playing my typical role of Irwin yardmaster, is waiting in the background to shift the inbound cars onto the yard tracks. I enjoyed just directing the traffic, fixing any maintenance issues, and of course training the next generation model railroaders!

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