Saturday, April 14, 2012

Building a city in a day

Since we decided to move - and I can't fit the 14'x24' layout through the basement door - I decided I would not work on any improvements, especially scenery. This week, however, I came up with the insane idea that I could cut up the layout, rearrange the modules and assemble a new layout with a similar operating scheme. Hoping to schedule a train session with my buddies Eric and Jack, I began to rethink things.
East McKeesport with signs for industries

Last Christmas, Lisa and the kids gave me Model Builder software. I was playing with it this week and it is really easy to use. Basically, you pick from a pallet of materials - brick, stone, cement, corrugated siding, etc. - and create a building. You print this, glue it to some cardboard or foam board and you can build 2D or 3D structures. I wanted this software once I built the sample from their website which is Vic's Bait & Tackle shop. Today, I built up the backdrop for the city of East McKeesport, including a faux 3D building for Stetson Convention Service which receives rail traffic from the PRR on the siding it shares with the May Stern furniture factory. Sweet!
The new and improve East McKeesport

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