Saturday, September 24, 2011

A&N Railroad: The Next Generation

Way, way back, I joined a local N-Trak group (DaytoN-Track) with a typical 2' x 4' module. I met some fellow railroaders, gained some insights (like N scale is REALLY small) and had some fun. I eventually dropped out because it was hard making the weekend shows but my module did appear in the DISCOVER N '92 convention in Columbus OH.

A year or so ago, I pulled it out and rebuilt a simple loop with a few sidings for Nicholas and Adam to play trains. They would run trains around a little then move on to some other interest. It was a challenge for me to work on the N scale layout when I had so much work to do on my HO basement layout. Recently I was showing the boys how you move trains using car cards & waybills and mentioned switchlists. Nicholas especially was interested in this so I created a custom switchlist for the A&N Railroad. Last night I showed the boys how to set up the trains and use the switch list for a purpose - set out and pick up cars.

Hooked! They loved it! The engine struggled a little with the dirty track and lack of use so after they went to spent I spent time taking it apart, cleaning the wheels and lubricating the gears - did I mention N scale is REALLY, REALLY small?! I put the engine back on the track and it sailed around the loop.

I can't wait to show the boys the improvement. Who knows, maybe we'll even make some time to work on some scenery this weekend!

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