Sunday, February 27, 2011

What Next?

One of my challenges has always been planning for times when I had time. Yesterday was one of those. I need some more materials for my lighting project and I am still not sure what I want so I was trying to figure out what to do next. Finish detailing Isley's drug store with an interior and lights? How about attaching the sidewalks in downtown Irwin? Mock buildings along the back of the west staging where guests see the first part of the layout walking into the basement? I ended up on a mission - kill Pink.

No, not the rock star. The subbed of my layout is extruded pink insulation board. And it's pink! I originally intended to spend 20 minutes painting under some of the buildings in Irwin so the pink does not show through. Then I headed left to cover some of the ground in East McKeesport. Looking good. Before I knew it I had painted about 20 linear feet of track!

Sometimes, not having a plan works out.

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