Sunday, February 13, 2011

Backdrops & Fascia, Part 2

I was able to carve a little time out this weekend to make some significant progress on the fascia. Yesterday, with Joey's help, I was able to rip the masonite panels into six 28" strips for the backdrops and five 8" strips for the fascia. I also ripped a 12-3/4" strip for the two areas of the layout where I need to contour the fascia to follow the hillside.

Carrying this stack of wood from the garage to the basement, I discovered that masonite is extremely flexible but still very heavy! I set up a couple of sawhorses and put two coats of a forest green on the boards, letting them dry 2 hours between the coats. Today I was able to mount the boards completely around the layout except in Herminie where I need to finish the rough design of the hillside before I can cut the fascia. If you compare the photos below with the picture from the January 22nd blog, I think you'll agree that it makes a world of difference.

Next, I plan to paint the backdrops sky blue and mount them before adding a support system behind for the lighting valence. Also, I am replacing the foam board car card holders with some wooden ones from Micro Mark that will really help make the layout look more "finished".

Now I just have to work on the scenery!!

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