Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Operations, Part 2

I've been reading through my collection of books and articles on model railroad operations to figure out how to get operations started on the PRR Irwin District. I actually hit on a potential idea. I already have trains scattered around the layout, I can just start with the 3 or 4 I have on the Staging tracks, call those through freights and locals and start there. Maybe ....

Below is a list of my reference materials.
How To Operate Your Model Railroad, Bruce Chubb, Kalmbach Books, 1977
Operation Handbook fo Model Railroads, Paul Mallery, Carstens Publishing, 1991
Realistic Model Railroad Operations, How To Run Your Trains Like The Real Thing, Tony Koester, Kalmbach Publishing, 2003
The V&O Story, Allen McClelland, Carstens Publishing, 1984

Magazine Articles
Car Cards and Waybills, Railroad Model Craftsman, Feb 1978
The Train and Industry Blocking System, Dan Holbrook, Model Railroader, July 1987

Model Railroading Operations series of articles, NMRA Gateway Division, http://www.gatewaynmra.org/operate.htm
Card Card Operation, Steve King, date unknown
How To Develop A Card Order System Of Operation For A Model Railroad, Merv hardman, date unknown
DVD: Running Trainings, Paul Scoles, http://www.micromark.com/RUNNING-TRAINS-DVD-BY-PAUL-SCOLES,9129.html
Op Session Design - Freelance and Prototype, Byron Henderson, http://home.earthlink.net/~bhender730/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderfiles/ops_dsgn.pdf
Operations SIG Operations PRIMER, NMRA Operations Special Interest Group (SIG), http://www.opsig.org/reso/primer/

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