Sunday, November 14, 2010

Operations, Part 1

I am really trying to spend sometime running trains instead of just moving the engines and a couple of cars back and forth. I know I need to spend some time getting my Digitrax DCC a little further along. I finally have a second controller (a DT402 to go with my DT400) and I should install a couple more plugs. Of course, for that I really should have the fascia installed first, so then I can install the panels. To do that, I need to make a final decision on 8" fascia vs. 10" ... Ok, the stall tactics continue.

Meanwhile, I want to get some trains running. I have car cards made up for all the cars on the layout and I have some temporarily car holders for all the tracks. I wrestle with creating the necessary waybills - do I understand things enough to make a decent first shot? I have every book and article imaginable but still struggle getting started. Last night, I had to move some cars around so I could rust the rails on the P&LE staging (done) and ballast the engine track in the Irwin yard (done). Doing those projects got me to thinking about getting some temporary scenery down to help the layout look a little more finished, then come back with building and details, even if I need to remove some grass and minor scenery to make changes.

More to come....

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