Saturday, December 2, 2017

Working on the Youghiogheny River

As ususal, things have been on again off again on the PRR Irwin District. Fall weather here has been nice but I was not terribly motivated to work on the railroad. I did some small tasks. After finsihing the ballast on the East Yard in Irwin, I tackled the West Yard over a period of a couple of weeks or more. Actually rather easy work but a bit tedious. I went to the NRMA Division 3 (Dayton) train show for the first time in a couple of years and found some great bargains, including the Lancaster Farm house that I need to cut to fit into the partial scene near the barn area. Since I had that, I decided to focus on the farm and planted a few trees and installed the white fence. Looking good. That inspired me to finish the West Yard as well as the track in Uniontown and all I have left to clean up the ballast (in that corner) is the siding to Heinz and PPG.
I made a trip to Pittsburgh to visit my Dad and sister, stopping at T&K Hobby and found a few other good bargains including some water lilies and cattails for the Youghiogheny River scene. Now I had some more inspriration and began working there. Adam helped me pour the river (finally!) and I was not completely impressed but it was workable. I stopped in the local Hobby Lobby for a couple of picture frames and decided to check the model railroad section. Score! Some figures, a couple packages of ready to set trees and a terrific bargain on light diffusing and light blocking kits from Woodland Scenics and I was set. For the past two weeks I have been working in the Yough River section and am pleased with how it is turning out. I dug through my supplies and find some 40 tree kits (I suck at making these) and expect the scene to be complete by the end of the year. In addition, I cleaned up the ballast on the tracks in Herminie and Yough area. 
Almost ready for some open houses!

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