Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Great Finds

I’ve posted a few times about great finds at the stores. Most recently, my stop at T&K Hobby and looking around the Beavercreek Hobby Lobby. Sometimes, I have great finds IN the train room. My inspiration to finish the Yough River was from the Woodland Scenics Realistic Water I had sitting around for the last couple of years from the N Scale 2’ x 4’ module the twins and I were going to build (did not get very far). The inspiration to finish the scene came from discovering about 8 ready to plant conifers and another couple dozen deciduous trees. Not to mention the figures I have collected over the last 12 months or more - canoers, backpackers, wild birds, and fishermen.
Tonight I was moving a few things around and found another stack of materials I had set aside. I went ahead and placed the laundry women on the layout in Herminie. The first aid trailer needs assembled but is planned to really wrap up Camp Bruce (with a few more tress and the Boy Scout troop I have waiting). I found the package of office equipment (desk, tables, chairs) that I bought earlier this year for the Westinghouse office building, the rest of the kit for the Irwin Tower and the details for Niigata Street - mailboxes, fire hydrants, phone booths and more!
That should keep me busy through Christmas or so!!

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Working on the Youghiogheny River

As ususal, things have been on again off again on the PRR Irwin District. Fall weather here has been nice but I was not terribly motivated to work on the railroad. I did some small tasks. After finsihing the ballast on the East Yard in Irwin, I tackled the West Yard over a period of a couple of weeks or more. Actually rather easy work but a bit tedious. I went to the NRMA Division 3 (Dayton) train show for the first time in a couple of years and found some great bargains, including the Lancaster Farm house that I need to cut to fit into the partial scene near the barn area. Since I had that, I decided to focus on the farm and planted a few trees and installed the white fence. Looking good. That inspired me to finish the West Yard as well as the track in Uniontown and all I have left to clean up the ballast (in that corner) is the siding to Heinz and PPG.
I made a trip to Pittsburgh to visit my Dad and sister, stopping at T&K Hobby and found a few other good bargains including some water lilies and cattails for the Youghiogheny River scene. Now I had some more inspriration and began working there. Adam helped me pour the river (finally!) and I was not completely impressed but it was workable. I stopped in the local Hobby Lobby for a couple of picture frames and decided to check the model railroad section. Score! Some figures, a couple packages of ready to set trees and a terrific bargain on light diffusing and light blocking kits from Woodland Scenics and I was set. For the past two weeks I have been working in the Yough River section and am pleased with how it is turning out. I dug through my supplies and find some 40 tree kits (I suck at making these) and expect the scene to be complete by the end of the year. In addition, I cleaned up the ballast on the tracks in Herminie and Yough area. 
Almost ready for some open houses!