Friday, March 3, 2017

Theme and tributes

Early on, I knew I wanted to add businesses and industries that placed my layout in the Pittsburgh area. Heinz, Pittsburgh Plate Glass, Isley's, Westinghouse, and Westmoreland Coal Company (I grew up in Westmoreland County) are all on the layout. West Penn Power was on the last layout on Restway Ct but, unfortunately there was no room on the current version. Alleghenies Cold Storage, Stetson (my grandfather) Convention Service and May Stern Furniture all have homes on the current layout.
Westmoreland Coal Company Mine No. 4
But I also wanted to pay some tributes to my family and friends. Appropriate ones that reflect who they are. Early ideas include LAS Fabrics for my wife, Lisa, who is an avid sewer, and GGS Cabinets who got me started in model railroading and "plays" with wood, building furniture and even his log home. My sister, in her early teens used to say "I'm so confused!" So my parents and I called her confused Cathy Lynn. And while she probably does not appreciate my tribute, C. C. L. Lumber is on the layout with both a business and a dedicated cover hopper for sawdust.
Two awesome co-workers, and good friends, got a shout out on the last layout and I incorporated their "businesses" on the current one. Vic lives on Cape Cod and loves fishing so, Vic's Bait and Tackle was an easy fit. Paul got a pun on his last name with Dailey's Fuel and Coal Service. The business motto being, "we want your business daily!"
Vic's Bait & Tackle
Dailey's Coal & Fuel

Others are on the layout or in the process. Camp Bruce is a scout camp in tribute to my railroad buddy and will have Troop 25o from Penns Woods PA where I earned my Eagle, Troop 329 which I belong to now and Troop 442 from Brazil OH which is the malcontent boys. If one of the 329 boys get in trouble, we tell them to say they are from 442. Adam and Nicholas have a machine shop, a bookstore for my mom, Angie and Joey have offices - public relations and investment, respectively. My cousin Dinah has a dance studio which is over my favorite local watering hole, Clancy's Tavern.
Some dedications are hard, really hard. One of my best friends at IBM was Bhupendra Mehta. An amazing portal architect, funny guy, and party animal. How do I do a tribute to a man from India in 1950s rural-ish suburb of Pittsburgh. It finally came to me and soon there will be Bhup's Hookah Bar, first of its kind in Pittsburgh and quite possibly the United States.
I had one more I needed to fit in. Bruce's son, Zach. I never met Zach, a talented swimmer when he was in high school, but it was important to me to give him a shout out. Along East McKeesport, you will see posters announcing tryouts for the Norwin High School (my alma mater) swim team. Interested? Call Coach Zach.
Posters on a building in East McKeesport shout outs to Bhups & Zach
So every time I got out to the train room, I don't just "run trains". I spend some time with my family and friends.
What better hobby could you ask for?

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