Wednesday, March 29, 2017


I think I've mentioned before that I tend to wax and wane in my progress on the layout. I focus on a few things, get them done then...don't seem to have the drive for a while. Lately, this has not been the case because there have been a string of events that have provided some serious motivation.
First was a shopping trip to T & K Hobby early this year when I went to visit my Dad. I picked up several items I really needed including a background scene to finish East McKeesport and the Engineering Office to round out the buildings along the flat. I also picked up some detail parts - figures, canoes, mailbox, telephone booth, parking meters, etc.
Next was the discussion with Bruce on painting the backdrop along the back of the layout. Once I tackled that, I was painting a little every day or two until it was complete. With that done, I had to finish repainting the trestle bridge, adding some weathering and finally the guard rails I had been considering for the last two or three years! Everything looked great, except the corner was just the brown base with the creek cut in - and I never liked the color brown I used. A few evenings and I had some hills, colored them a better shade of brown and then added the ground foam. A nice base scenery ready for trees, shrubs and people details.
Last weekend was the most recent motivation. My Dad, sister and niece were coming out to visit and see Nicholas and Adam in the Carroll High School play. I was ready to show off the painted backdrop and scenicked corner but wanted just a few more touches so I fixed the ballast on a few of the tracks and switch stands, added a window sign in Kay's Books, cleaned the track and fixed 4 of the 6 problem turnouts. Dad and my family were impressed with the progress.
Last week, I created a list of the next 90-some projects I would like to tackle. These are smalls things like "Add Farmer's Market figures in front of Isley's" to more involved items like "Build May Stern Factory" and "Mount computer shelf/drawer". I'll be busy for a while, and it's not a complete list, but I definitely have something to do!

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