Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Rights and Wrongs

Over the Memorial Day weekend, I had a flash of insight. I have been trying to figure out how to finish the Irwin Yard with the cork sheets I had laid. Originally I thought to have each yard track decline from the mainline to the spur but realized this would be difficult to create the right slope. Struggled for many weeks before I hit on a solution - N scale roadbed. I happen to have several pieces and discovered 1-1/2 pieces are just wide enough for HO scale. Perfect!
Using N scale roadbed in the Irwin yard
You can see how well this works as a transition from mainline to yard in the next photo.

Instead of lowering the yard below the mainline, I have a shorter profile roadbed
So that was great. My next trick was not so awesome. With this dilemma behind me I attacked the mainline track laying with zeal.  Saturday I ran both tracks onto the removable bridge (stuck in place until I cut gaps into the tracks later). Sunday I had a little time to run the tracks across the bridge all the way to the next curves. Monday I briefly extended the outer curve to the hidden staging. 
The mainline across the duckunder in the foreground to the curves leading into the hidden staging in the background
Tuesday, I was looking over my great work and ... what the heck!!! The very first part of the track coming out of the yard is a crossover and I only placed one of the two switches. DUH! Easy enough to fix but would have been even easier if I had remembered to place it in the first place.
You need 2 switches for a crossover!

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