Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Idea Plan No. 1

A couple of weeks ago I took the family to the Cincinnati Div 7 show and picked up several items, including the PRR Facilities Book Vol. 10 which covers the PRR route through Irwin and surrounding areas, the center of my layout desires! Last weekend, Bruce and I went to the Dayton Div 3 train show which is always great and I got a pack of Virginian & Ohio (V&O) switchlists that Al McClelland signed for me. What a treat! Al's writing about the V&O operations - and works by Tony Koester, John Armstrong, and Bruce Chubb - are why I love to "run trains".
With those two events as inspiration, and finally getting the benchwork temporarily set up for generating ideas on what is and is not feasible, I began doodling. Below is the first "idea plan". Sort of to scale (I used a scale template) I tried to fit in all my druthers.
Idea Plan #1
Yes too much track, but you have to start somewhere. The curves are 24" but I am willing to go a small as 20". I would like 5-6 car trains plus engine and cabin car (it is 1958 after all) and a 4 track yard in Irwin to sort the inbound traffic. This is the left side of the drawing with a 2 track staging yard that will be hidden behind industry flats. The 3 track Herminie mine is on the peninsula and the right side of the plan is East McKeesport with more industries for switching. Two to three operators - Irwin Yard, Hermnie & East McKeesport, and the "mole" operator outside the track at the top of the drawing.
A start - just needs some ideas and I know exactly who to ask!

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