Sunday, January 2, 2011

WCC Mine No. 4

The latest working session involved reorienting the mine in Hermanie. I carefully cut the 3rd track (closest to the backdrop) rails and then the underlying cork roadbed. I used a large putty knife to separate the cord roadbed from the pink insulation but the track was decided stubborn. I only used white glue so I was surprised how well it held. Finally, with a snap, it came up and I discovered I was trying to cut through 24 gauge wire with a putty knife! I forgot that I soldered feeder wires each track at the end. Of course, had I looked under the layout first ....

Anyway, the quick cut-the-track and flip-the-mine took a little longer since I had to resolder the feeder wires but overall, it was a pretty smooth project and the additional openness is worth sacrificing one car length on the last track.
Next project is to fix the 2 electrical shorts with the power routing turnouts I reused!

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