Monday, December 6, 2010

More Awesome Finds

Recently, I had a chance to stop into one of my favorite hobby shops, T&K Hobbies in Bridgeport OH. This fantastic store is pretty far from my house ... on the other side of the state! .... but on the way to my parents house so I try to stop in when I can. I always find a couple of car kits marked down to what I consider "train show" prices, and there is a huge selection of parts, details, cars, engines, and scenery materials. I could easily spend 3 hours browsing because there are so many nooks and crannies to the store ... not to mention the huge layout in the center of the store. T&K is where I found the Heinz Pickle Car that I like so much.

Anyway, this particular trip yielded a really special find - more detail parts. For less than $2 apiece (Ok, one was $2.50!) I got a collection of lathe's, drill presses, work benches, etc. to detail the interior of a couple of the industries on the layout. I already have a couple in mind for the ground floor of LAS Fabrics. Imagine a bandsaw shaped machine that looks like it could be an industrial sized sewing machine, with a piece a fabric draped over the table and a scale size woman standing in front of the machine. All of this visible through the large pane window with interior lighting.

Cant' wait!

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