Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Big Picture

Last week, I was talking about the first operating session with a co-worker, Vic. He enjoyed the stories I was telling but said he could not visualize the layout based on the blog entries ... so, here's the big picture. Fortunately, my basement is open enough that I can step back and take a couple overview pictures.

First, the layout is L-shaped running across almost the entire back wall (as you come down the staircase) of the basement, approximately 24' in length. The L is on the left as you face the layout and runs another 14' - enough for some mainline run but mostly I like switching trains. In fact, this is one of the things that Lisa keeps shaking her head - why don't I have a circle to run the trains continuously. Sometimes, I wish I did have a loop so I could break the trains in or run them in the background while I work on some scenery but for the most part, I like this configuration.

To help people orient, when you face the layout you are looking north - so, like a map, west is always to the left and east is to the right. Above is a picture of the layout from the closest part as you walk into the basement, the West Staging yard. This yard provides the trains that come from the railroads off the layout. Trains pass under the Route 30 highway bridge onto the layout proper and enter East McKeesport. One of the key points of interest here is the interchange with the Pittsburgh & Lake Erie (P&LE) railroad. This is also where the May Stern Furniture factory is located, a fascinating structure that I will blog about in the future.

As the trains passes around the curve onto the long arm of the L-shape, heading east, it passes through downtown Irwin and the Irwin yard. A branch line off the Irwin yard curves around onto a 2' x 4' peninsula that projects out from the layout and is the Westmoreland Coal Company (WCC) Mine No. 4 in Hermanie PA. The PRR mainline continues past the Irwin yard, passing over a railroad truss bridge (not sure if this will be the B&O or another line) and terminates in the East Staging yard.
And that ... is the big picture!

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