Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Happy New Year

Well, the new year has started off well for me...the trains are running again! They were completely dead when we had the family over for Thanksgiving and it looked like there was a broken connection somewhere in the layout wiring. I run a single block with multiple feeders to the rails so I assumed either the connection from the Digitrax DB-150 to the layout was bad, or worse, the DV-150 was blown. Ouch. I did not want to trace the wiring (simple though it is) and put it off until last Sunday when I decided it was time to bite the bullet and fix the darn thing.
I tried a new set of jumper cables from the DB-150 directly to the train and no engine lights, nothing moved. I decided to dispatch all the locomotives then reaquire just one. It ran! Reconnecting to the wiring to the layout and it conitnued running! Sweet! I tested a couple more locomotives and everything worked fine. So what was the root problem? No idea, but reminded me that I tend to solve problems by starting with the most unlikely, difficult solution and work backwards to the easier ones.
Yeah, need to work on that.
With the cooler weather affecting the train room (unheated room off the garage, with a space heater to  take the chill off) I probably won't be tackling any major projects over the next 3 months. Still, it would be nice to finish the Irwin tower, wiring some of the interior lighting I have started in the tower and GGS Cabinets, finish sculpting the hillside between Herminie and East McKeesport, and finish some of the buildings in East McKeesport. The hand-painted backdrop behind the hillside is waiting for my creative aristist, Bruce, who convinced me we need to try that approach.
I'll need him onsite and a beer in hand before that happens!

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