Friday, June 1, 2012

Finally, we are moved into the new house. In fact, we closed on selling the old house today so all the transactions are complete. We have been moving boxes and small furniture for the past several weeks into the garage because the flooring in the house was not complete. I have the two main sections of the layout standing up - East McKeesport and Irwin Yard - but the rest of the room is whatever I could not fit in the main garage! I did get the modeling desk set up under East McKeesport but not so I could get back to the train ... I needed to replace the desk drawers and stack some stuff on the desk top. Once that was full, I started putting stuff under the desk where the chair goes.

Funny story there. We have been donating things to our church flea market and one of the items was a desk chair on wheels. Lisa said she did not want it anymore and it was not until I was dropping it off that I realized ... it was the chair to my modeling desk! Oh, well, it was too big for the desk and would seriously take up too much space in the new train room. I think I might have to use a folding chair and put it away when I am not working at the desk.

Now to start putting things away where they belong!

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