Tuesday, May 5, 2020

2020 Time to start blogging

So my last post was nearly 1-1/2 years ago and I have not abandoned my model railroad, I have just gone through a few life events - another “thanks but you are not in our long term (next month) staff plan” job change, our daughter getting married, oldest son engaged and youngest two entering college - and I just did not have much time for the trains, even less to write about. A couple train sessions and a show or two with Bruce, an operating session with all 3 sons and my son-in-law (that was a blast) and working on a few small projects. I added a few figures, fixed a turnout, and dreamed.
A few months ago I decided to write down all the projects regardless of scope. Things like build an interior and light the coal mine to add the scout figures in Camp Bruce; fix cars on RIP track and annual rolling stock maintenance; organize workbench to replace card stock buildings. At last count, it was more than 140 different items. List in hand, a notional idea of priority and I had  plan to work away.
That was fall 2019 and the train room cooled, harder to go out to the unheated garage and work so I brought a couple projects into the house - replace PPG and US Steel mockups, build a Moose lodge for Uniontown - and I was making steady, if slow, progress.
Enter COVID-19, stay at home orders and little else to do. I changed focus and pulled every unopened box, started kit, scene details and scenic treatment out and looked at the collection. I had a LOT of stuff! Refocused, I’ve made some 60 trees for the woods between Herminie and East McKeesport, built the lodge and added a sign for McKinney Liquors (shout out to my son-in-law), added numerous figures and scenic details, finished the city park in Uniontown and arguably made more progress in the first 4 months of 2020 than the last 2 years. Part renewed motivation, part opportunity of time management... all good!
Woods between Herminie and East McKeesport in progresss
More to come...!