Saturday, November 4, 2017

Getting back the mojo

Earlier this year, I changed jobs. I used to be out of town 4 days a week, reducing the time I could work on the train to the weekend. The new job is local, has been great, but its taken a while to find my groove. Since I was home more, family activities were a priority and I got busy with that. Plus, the summer can be brutally hot in the train room which is in a room behind the garage - unheated and no A/C. A few times, I ran trains and was please how well they ran for the lack of attention and neglect on my part. I would convince myself that I will work on the layout tonight...or this weekend, and get distracted with other things.
With the annual Dayton Train Show coming up, I was thinking about what I needed to jump start me back into things. Actually, I have a lot work on. There are half a dozen of more cars on the RIP track, several more kits waiting to be built, the Irwin Tower is not finished, I have enough trees and scenery material to finish a few sections of the layout. And the Youghogeny River is still a dry wash! I have a list of about 40 different projects - some small, some quite involved - so it’s not a lack of ideas or material. I just need some mojo.
I got it today. Lisa convinced me...drove the Dayton Train Show. Last year, after Hara Arena suddenly closed, they moved to the Upper Valley Mall in Springfield. I was not able to go then, but went today. I even saw a couple of the guys I used to talk to at the NMRA meetings. I ended up buying some more scenery materials, a couple of PRR memorabilia and the Walters Lancaster Farmhouse that is perfect for finishing off the barn scene in the corner.
So tomorrow, right after I tackle a few chores around the house, I plan to get back into the train room and get some freight moving on the Irwin District!