Thursday, August 3, 2017

Measuring progress

So I've not been in the train room much this summer between the new job, St Helen Festival, vacation, and just generally too hot to be out in the garage. Lisa and the kids gave me a Bachmann DCC S-4 locomotive with sound for Father's Day and I managed to run it through the paces a few times, but I was in a lull and trying to figure out the next thing I should do. Having a To Do list of things to work on does not necessarily provide the motivation to actually DO them.
But over the weekend, I was rearranging some of the cabinets and organizing the storage. I looked at the Irwin Yard, empty of any freight cars because I had started to fix the track ballast. There are many sections that you can see the cork underneath. I finished my organizing, grabbed the rubbing alcohol, ballast and scenic cement and in 30 minutes I finished one side of the closest track in the east yard (E1). A day or two later, I did the other side. OK, looking better. Last night I did one side of E2 and emptied the bottle of alcohol!
Yes, I measure progress in what you can see on the layout AND the reduction of supplies!!