Friday, April 7, 2017

Cleaning and lists

I started working off my latest list of TODO tasks which had grown to 101 items. Some are simple little tasks - fix crossover on the west end of Irwin Yard - and others are more involved - build the complete May Stern furniture factory with interior, lights and details. Still it gave me purpose and a way to prioritize the many tasks. I completed about a dozen to get the layout ready for my Dad's visit.
Along the way, I was able to knock two items off at once. Instead of installing a pull out drawer for the computer (for JMRI operations and my Yard Office inventory software), so furniture moves in the house enabled me to put the kids old computer desk under the layout but I had to make room. If I was going to move storage cabinets, I might as well clean the train room starting with the desk of 10 projects (two cars under repair, Irwin Tower, details to be painted, trailer for Camp Bruce, parts and paints spread around, etc.) 
I just moved the "active" (to be very liberal in the use of that term) to a stack and continued through the room emptying drawers and getting better organized. I discovered some good things I had set aside - part of a traveling crane left over from my work on the NMRA Division 3 Dalmation Switching layout in the late 90s and some oil tanks to add to the Irwin Yard engine track - to some bonehead things - why did I buy a package of 60 pallets when I already had 40? How many pallets could one small layout need? Heck, I need a factory that does nothing but manufacture pallets!
None-the-less, I was able to come up with some more ideas on how I wanted the layout to look and added items to the TODO list. It has grown to over 100 items but 18 are completed. With the couple of days I have off between my old job and the new one, I should be able to cross off a few more and really show some progress for the next visitor(s) to the PRR Irwin District.