Things have been going rather slow, as you can tell from the few posts I've made to the blog over the summer and early fall. Trains are still running well, even when it's a couple of weeks between operating them. That's encouraging. A couple of weeks ago, I drove to Pittsburgh to visit my father and sister, stopping at
T & K Hobby on the way home. I did not really have much of a shopping list but just wanted to browse a bit. I found the elusive wire I need for running a separate circuit for building lights. Every where else I looked, it was black or red, but now Iblue and yellow so I can easily trace and isolate issues. I picked up some farm animals for the barn scene and an N scale wood building for the corner between Herminie and East McKeesport, which hopefully will add to the illusion of distance.
But the bug find was a background mural to place behind the buildings in East McKeesport. Although a little taller than the scene block, it really adds depth to the scene.
New background for East McKeesport |
Over the weekend, I ordered additional supplies from
Model Train Stuff including terminal strips for the under layout building lights wiring and several scene details - figures, wood crates, and an HO scale fence for around the barn scene. I also installed the first building light in the Irwin Tower which is important to me because there is so much interior detail. I still need to add the trim, porch, steps and utility building to finish this kit before installing them on the layout.
Irwin Tower is the first lighted building |
Both Bruce and I have been doing a lot of traveling for work and my high schoolers busy schedule have prevented us getting together lately. I have a list though of things to work on until we manage a free weekend.
- Finish the rough in hills in the Herminie / East McKeesport corner
- Carve in the Youghogeny Creek in the same corner.
- Install the wiring bus for the building lights
- Add lights to G.G.S. Cabinets and the barn
- Finish the barn scene with bushes, trees, fence and figures
- Finish the brick streets in Uniontown
- Finish the Irwin Tower structures
- Clear the RIP track
- Build the collection of freight car kits I have
Plenty to keep me busy for a little while at least.