Tuesday, August 9, 2016

That crazy Bruce!

It's been a crazy summer and while I've had more time that usual to work on the train, I've been putting things off. Recently, Bruce and I exchanged some emails and set "a train play date" as Lisa calls them and I suddenly had some motivation - I mean he can't come over and see NO progress, right?
I managed to get enough of the new barn built to place it on the layout and I put in a new fence between Isaly's and the East Yard and glued down some brick roads and sidewalks in Uniontown. That, plus the base I built for LAS Fabrics would have to do.
Isly's Deli with a border fence, brick road and sidewalk
It's always great catching up with Bruce and we talked about our summer, upcoming travels and then focused on the layout. Like the email exchange, it was inspiring getting his perspective and thoughts on what we could do for some of the scenes and I was pleased that the trains ran fairly smoothly while we were talking.
Then he dropped the bomb.
Purchased backdrop for Herminie
We were discussing backdrops and I like the one I purchased for Uniontown. I talked about what I wanted to find for behind the mine in Hermine, a backdrop for the city scene in East McKeesport, and the corner of the layout between the two.
Same backdrop in the corner
"What do you think about painting a backdrop?" he innocently suggested.
I may have sputtered the beer I was sipping, not sure. My artistic skills are limited to black and white...as in I think I can cover a white space with black paint. But, he talked me into it. We parted with him planning to pull the 1947 MR article that he thinks is the best How To on the topic and me focused on pulling sample photos from my PRR books for inspiration.
This should be interesting!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016


Sometimes, the nice weather, chance to go camping and kids activities conspire to suck the motivation right out of me. I've visited the train room a few times but have not been motivated to do much other than run a couple of trains around the track. I have several activities planned but they generally fall in one of two categories.


These are the plans that either stretch my skills or represent a "no turning back" situation.
  • Hills between tunnel and East McKeesport
  • Creek and pond
  • Mounting the Uniontown backdrop
Backdrop looks good in Uniontown but scared to mount it


These are the tasks that are not particularly hard, I am just too lazy to work on them.
  • Clearing the RIP track which includes the 4 or 5 cars that didn't fit
  • Cleaning up the ballast around the layout
  • A new base for LAS Fabrics so cars fit on the siding
  • Ground cover in East McKeesport
  • Brick roads in Uniontown
  • Finish the Irwin tower including interior lighting
  • Wire the programming track switch
  • Better storage for cars and locos not on the layout