Sunday, July 17, 2016

Will they run?

Well, the St Helen's Festival, Boys Scout summer camp and Lisa's an my trip to Las Vegas are behind us. The house is settling back to normal, just waiting for the master bath remodeling to complete this week. Yeah, things have been a bit busy the past few weeks since my last post. Time to focus some effort on the train layout.
I did some cursory cleaning around the room, it gets rather dusty in the room behind the garage with both doors open and various bugs wandering in. I had to laugh when I pondered the tree stump in the corner that I did not remember placing there. Turned out to be a single moth wing. How does that happen?
Tentatively, I powered up the layout, curious how the trains would run after being idle for about 2 months. Amazingly, after a few jerky runs on the two mainlines, and only a spot clean or two of the track, they were running smoothly over the layout - even in the 3 hidden track sections in the tunnel, behind Untiontown & Herminie and behind East McKeesport. Not bad and rather inspiring to continue my work.
On the short list is to finish a barn for the corner between Irwin and Uniontown, just need to figure out I want to cut it for the illusion of more depth, then I can finish the surrounding area with a split rail fence, some cows and horse that I have...then get some chickens. I have plans to add floors, furniture, walls and lights to the interior of LAS Fabrics, making it the first interior lit structure - G. G. S. Cabinets was the first structure with people and machines visible through the window but no lighting yet. Then I should probably turn my attention to the corner between Herminie and East McKeesport and finish the cut hillside and creek Bruce and I talked about the last time he came over.
Finally, I have several friends from Boy Scouts and St Helen's that are interested in seeing the layout, so I need to get the layout ready for a few open houses.
Should be a fun and busy summer!