Friday, June 19, 2015

June Progress

I've had a rare week of free evenings and have bee working on several projects at the same time. First, I painted the hill for Route 30 and built another bridge section, which I had recently purchased at T & K Hobby. A quick test fit and the bridge is still short - meaning buying another section! Last night I was looking for some plastic supplies and discovered a half with enough pieces to create another section of bridge. HA! Here I thought the original bridge I build for the old layout, two sections long, was all that I purchased. I had purchased a kit to make three sections. Sweet! 
I have also been scratch building the GSS Cabinet factory in Uniontown PA. Of course, this is named after my father and it will have a small, lit interior display of some wood working tools and, naturally, a figure of Dad working one of the machines. I am almost done with the basic structure and will post a photo when its complete. 
Last time Bruce visited, we did some hill sculpting and plastering. I created the basic shape for the hill supporting the north end of Route 30 and painted it. Recently, I had an interesting idea for how to finish the scenery in this odd little corner and I was even able to find DPM's Kelly's Saloon at a hobby store in Harrisburg PA that was exactly what I was looking. I may have to rename it Clancy's! Below is the initial mockup of the scene and I think I like it.
A couple of buildings to help mask this end of East McKeesport
My next step is to install a retaining wall under Rt 30 and finish the scenery the hillside and area behind the two buildings. I may also install the piers for the bridge and cut it to length. Maybe.