Had to take a break from the layout for a while so progress has been limited to an hour stolen here and one there. The twins and I went to the train show in Springfield and I bought an interlocking tower and the end track bumper for Herminie. I am (sortof) taking a couple of weeks vacation over the holidays and last night I spent the evening adding some grass to the Irwin Yard and Herminie.
Irwin Yard getting some landscaping |
Today, I added some people, trees and stumps to help bring the scene to life.
Westnmoreland Coal Company Mine No. 4 |
Tonight, Adam and Nicholas can into the train room to run trains and make sure we can fit 3 operators inside the layout. It worked out pretty well. My enthusiasm to work on the layout is so we can have some friends from St. Helen come over and see the trains - their son is a huge train fan!
Adam (background) and Nicholas running trains with Dad |