Tuesday, March 5, 2013

In between

I always seem to get bogged down when I am in between projects on the layout ... or in this case, the absence of a layout! I still have not picked the final design although I am pretty sure it will basically be the last  design Bruce created.  I don't think there is anything else we can do for MORE space for the benchwork - without going to multi-level which is out - so the next step is to build the benchwork and test laying some track. The two things holding me back from this plan are the small-ish online yard and whether or not there will be enough space for scenery and buildings ... things I cannot really envision until I see the placement in 3 dimensions.
In the meantime, Nicholas, Adam and I have been fixing up the N-scale layout. I ordered some Micro Trains  parts - #1000 Bettendorf Trucks w/Couplers and Micro Trains Line, #1015 Couplers - Assembled - so the loco and all the cars have the same coupler. Nicholas and I sculpted the mountain area and we started to assembly the furniture factory. All things to keep me busy while I figure out next steps on the HO layout.
I did get some "motivation" in the mail yesterday with the N-scale couplers - City Classics, Railroad Street Company House 3-Pack and 10 pieces of code 100 flextrack and rail joiners for when I am ready to lay some track.
Maybe by the next post, I'll have some benchwork and track set up ... or at least a row of company houses!