Monday, July 5, 2010

Vacations and Lists

Well, I'm back from a fantastic vacation with the family and settling into the routine at work - if my work can ever be said to have a routine! Anyway, over the long weekend I wanted to spend some time with the layout and here, on Monday, I finally find/make the time.

One of the things that I consistently do when I cannot get downstairs to work on the trains is create lists of things to do. My wife is a much better list maker as I tend to scratch down items on different pieces of paper, rarely organized or prioritized. It's almost a brain dump of what I want to do.

Then I get to the layout. I pull out all these scraps of papers, these ideas of tasks, goals, need-to-dos and my mind freezes. Suddenly all the items in the list seem like that will take a lot of time, I probably don't have the materials I need and I know I don't have the skills.

How do I solve this dilemna? I need to create better lists!